
A lighthearted jovial pursuit of random acts of kindness involving the usage of tongues.
Dude, get a picture of that lickage to post at
by April 6, 2010
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Brown nosing in forums, usually associated with cliques who have no friends in the real world.
this thread is embarrasingly full of lickage
by bossyboots69 December 10, 2010
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noun - relating to chinese buffets, lickage is employed as a recovery tactic after lobstering. however, due to its infrequent execution, it is regarded by many to be merely a technicality
"he won't try and lickage, we're better off just leaving before the waiters notice"
by buffetman March 2, 2009
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the lickage just means the sex. it originated from kat and kay.
use it to describe hot people.
dougie poynter is the lickage. xD
by green day March 9, 2005
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spillage is lickage

A phrase most commonly used by students, spillage is lickage quite literally means what it says; if you spill something, you have to lick it up. This often refers to a spilled alocholic beverage, but if you also have the misfortune of spilling your meal over the kitchen floor, or spilling your wee sample, you better get licking.
-"Oh my God, I just spilt my drink everywhere"
-"spillage is lickage"

-"I just spilt my drink on her crotch"
-"Tactical spillage!"
by Bottom Face February 12, 2011
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