A task of pure evil brought on by the spring and summer months, and subsequent rain and sun in these periods of time. The task robs humans of precious time in these seasons and is a real pain in the ass. Problems with lawn mowing equipment, such as mower not running,being out of gas,out of oil,and weed eater broken are just some of the fun times and great stuff in store for all to enjoy.
Lawn mowing SUCKS!!!
by TV CAR April 8, 2010
by The.Sharpie. May 22, 2017
by Eslur June 1, 2019
when someone performs the helicopter in a horizontal position using their ding dong to slap their partner in the face.
by SwimmerDude3 October 29, 2020
Those special pair of shoes that you wear specifically for mowing your lawn. This is usually done to prevent your nice shoes from turning green. Lawn mowing shoes are usually a year or two old and are absolute shit.
by ObsidianTower May 8, 2012
by Louisiana Tiger January 16, 2020
To clean up/take care of, someone else's business. Most commonly used when referring to "someone else's business" as women.
To take another man's object of affection, right from under him.
To take another man's object of affection, right from under him.
Even though Gary really liked Miley, Adam really 'mowed his lawn' by having sex with her first. Therefore, Adam is really good at 'mowing lawn'.
by doomsday00 February 18, 2009