Keaton is more frequently used as a boys name however, when you come across a girl named Keaton it is very special. For Keaton is usually very smart, pretty, and funny. That’s not all though. She also seems to rub off as a tad bit witty and rude but, once you get to know her, she is gorgeous. Inside and out. So, if you’re ever lucky enough to meet a girl named Keaton, stick around.
“See that girl over there? Thats Keaton”
“Wow! Shes stunning
by Markie January 3, 2019
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When a stay-at-home dad, "Mr. Mom", has to avoid or elude a neighborhood mom in hot pursuit looking for some action.
Dude, I had to to totally pull a Keaton on that skank Susan at the corner cause she's been dropping by every day after the bus picks up Jack Jr.
by ChitownJack November 17, 2009
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To be a dick, and or a cunt
Tony was being a bit of a Keaton last weekend
by Jackooooo January 29, 2014
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Has fucking huge ass tittes and loves to suck toes on the low. You better watch out he is tender as a damn steak on the grill fina be done.
Keaton has bigger tittes than you’ll ever imagine
by cheeze123456789 September 20, 2018
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A Sexy & sweet country boy from Mississippi who loves to party especially when his special someone is there!!
by Litasf101 May 2, 2016
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A dumb little piece krap that doesn't know anything.

Keaton is usually considered not a friend
That guy is such a Keaton
by NOT GEON September 20, 2019
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