The deity of true gender equality, the king of pantsu thieves, and the rightful owner of the greatest weapon of all time known to male, female, bisexual, homosexual, transexual, and pansexual: Chunchunmaru
Also the owner of the mighty Excalibur
Also the owner of the mighty Excalibur
Person A: I promote true gender equality!
Person B: You must be a follower of the greatest deity of all time, Satou Kazuma!
Person B: You must be a follower of the greatest deity of all time, Satou Kazuma!
by Onii-chan Senpai May 29, 2019
by Suzushina Yuriko April 15, 2020
A law abiding citizen who has never killed in his life, and is well known for his amazing karaoke skills. Also commonly known as Kiryu-chan by some.
by Neat_ February 1, 2021
by Secyflounder August 3, 2020
A believer of True gender equality who will not hesitate to fight a woman if he has to He was isekai'd to a distant land by a tractor and teamed up with a useless water goddess, a loli firecracker,and a Masochistic crusader
He is also the wielder of the most powerful weapon in history chunchunmaru
He is also the wielder of the most powerful weapon in history chunchunmaru
Kyoya: I saw that man using Steal on some innocent ladies.
Ruffian: Incredible. He is truly a man of Kazuma.
Ruffian: Incredible. He is truly a man of Kazuma.
by YourManChild February 11, 2021
Very Special, Good friend, funny but has a youtube channel. Not the best fortniter tho. Get CONTROLLER PLAYERED!
by - Its tidtud May 25, 2020