A genetic disorder where every single family member is raised by a Karen, and is a Karen.
Friend: His mom is a Karen.

Me: All his family are. It's just Karen Syndrome.
by Your Gays May 23, 2020
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A mental illness characterized by the belief that a group of dogs demand sacrifices for you to prove worthy to them.
The woman suffered from severe Karen Syndrome when she murdered her boyfriend
by Karen666666 October 21, 2019
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a psychological disorder where a Karen pretends to be ill or deliberately produces symptoms of illness in themselves. Their main intention is to assume the "sick role" so that people care for them and they are the center of attention on social media spreading fake news, and fear tactics to gullible online users.
1. Forgive my mom, officer; she has Damn Karen Munchausen's Syndrome. No need for an ambulance.
2. She got her vaccine shot and now she's streaming her DKMS on TikTok
3. I can't wear a mask, I have Damn Karen Munchausen's Syndrome.
4. My Grandma is racist. That black person never touched her, she collapsed on her own to get attention. She doesn't have dementia, she has Damn Karen Munchausen's Syndrome.

Prefix, Karen can be in transitioned with Kevin Or Ken; Male Karen.
by Damn Bunny September 30, 2021
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