Kailee is one of those people who gets on your nerves but you can not hate here no matter how hard you try. She is flexible as HELL. Overall she pretty cool
Kailee is one of a kind
by Frog_Master69 June 6, 2018
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Kailee is overall an amazing person. She's nice and cares about everyone. But when you fight with her over and over again she'll start defending herself. She thinks the worst of herself and is really depressed. The worst part is nobody ever believes Kailee. They wish they were perfect. They'll do anything to be your friend. Their overall very loving, kind, helpful, and amazing.
Guy 1: "Hey! Did you see Kailee? She looks amazing today."

Guy 2: "Yeah she says she's depressed but it doesn't look like it."

Guy 1: " She's pretty sad. She told me everything."

Guy 2: "I feel so bad for her. I never knew."
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Kailee is such a sexy and beautiful girl! She is so sweet and kind and no matter what she is always there for you! She is just the perfect girl!
Guy 1 : “Kailee is so beautiful”
Guy 2 : “ I know right I don’t understand how she’s so perfect, you know?”
Guy 1 : “oh,I know”
by Bakatpcdyt November 24, 2018
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My first love. The person I care for most. My best friend. My everything. And more. Kailee has always been there for me when I needed her the most. She is funny, beautiful, caring, compassionate, flirty, smart, and the love of my life. I will never forget her. She showed me what love is. - Bestie
Kailee. It's you. You're the one. You always have been. You always will be. I will always love you. Always and forever. - Bestie
by Kailee's Bestie October 12, 2020
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Kailee, although she may seem sweet she is a fucking asshole...
by Fuckkailee May 25, 2018
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Person 1: "Did she drink the koolaid?"
Person 2: "Nah, she pulled a kailee."
by ROFLCOPTER LOLOLOL December 14, 2009
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can sometimes try to steal your man but never works out. she tries and tries but never sucseeds. tryna steal john on the daily but we all know how that ends. pretty good at soccer but sometimes get pissed and is a fucking ass at times but it’s good
Yo i heard kailee tryna snag john again today
by JoEyCeNaSz May 4, 2019
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