when parents are couldn't care less what completely absurd things their children do, and do nothing whatsoever to protect/supervise their children.
at the beach, some little girl about 3 or 4 years old went way too deep into the water and almost drowned, no adults were around to help her, "that's some jessi slaughter parenting right there, someone's just letting their kid drown."
by asdfg_nwp July 21, 2010
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Jessi Slaughter

Jessica Leonhardt, now known as Damien Leonhardt.
At age 11, she claimed to have been sexually abused by Dahvie Vanity, to which 4chan decided to be the trolls they are and start a whole cyberbullying situation against Jessi. This prompted a video to be released on Jessi's YouTube account, a video titled "You Dun Goofed Up." The video shows Jessi having an emotional breakdown while her father Gene angrily shouts towards the camera, saying that whoever started the cyberbullying against Jessi has been reported to the cyberpolice and the Florida state police.
BOTDF, being the assholes they are (except Jayy, who is now a drag queen trying to move on from crunkcore), titled a song called "You Dun Goofed" on their album Epic (which is NOT epic at all).
Some time after, Gene was arrested for child abuse after getting into an argument with Jessi and subsequently died of a heart attack while in custody at the police station, leaving behind Jessi and her mother Diane.
But now that BOTDF broke up (thank fucking God), Jessi has since identified as transgender and non-binary, and now runs by the name Damien. Along with that, sh- I mean, they called out Dahvie for sexual misconduct, and since that happened, 21 other women also called him out for the same thing, all of which they were under the age of consent. Just like Damien.
I can't go into full detail due to UD's character limit, so you'll probably have to, uh, I dunno, go to Wikipedia or KYM. They both have some handy resources.
The story of Jessi Slaughter is a heartbreaking one. It impacted the crunkcore scene in a way that caused it to decline, maybe? Is it a good thing? To me, yes! Absolutely! Crunkcore is just the more explicit version of the discography of the Jonas Brothers. Am I supportive of Jessi? Yeah, because the whole thing proves that maybe the Internet should be strictly available to people 13 and up and not some random 11-year-old who had to go through a lot of emotional pain just because her parents forgot to set parental controls up.
by 7568ino February 8, 2024
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