A Japanese anime that is now showing on Adult Swim. It's about a girl nae Kagome, that travels back to the past era and meets up with a demon dog boy name Inuyasha.
InuyYasha is the best damn anime ever! Period.
by nnguyen11490 October 13, 2003
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1. (noun) An anime and manga made by Rumiko Takahashi (who is also the creator of titles such as Ranma 1/2). The plot of the anime/manga is for the characters to gather the shards of the Shikon jewel to make it whole again, and be able to grant a wish and/or give ultimate power to the demon that possess it.

2. A character in the anime/manga. He has been sealed to a tree for 50 years by Kikyou. He was freed by Kagome. After she breaks the Shikon Jewel, he and other characters search widely for them before Naraku does. Inuyasha is stubborn, strong and caring. He developes a romance with Kagome. (His previous lover was Kikyou.)
Inuyasha was a good anime/manga.

Inuyasha can be quite impulsive.
by Sango March 5, 2005
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The single best anime show on the planet. It's on adult swim (cartoon network) at 12:00 eastern. The main character is a half demon half human guy named Inuyasha.
Boy do I love Inuyasha
by Louis C. February 15, 2004
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Inuyasha is the best show in the whole damn universe. I absolutly hate people who just come to these sites and define Inuyasha, just so that they can make their pathetic attempts to turn Inuyasha lovers into haters. I believe that as soon as your eyes even see 1 second of Inuyasha, you will be instantly turned into a fan and will never go back to those lame shows (although Yu Yu Hakusho is a pretty damn good show as well) I also believe that their should be a week just dedicated to Inuyasha. They should call it "Inuyasha Week: Revenge for the fangirls and guys!" but thats just my opinion.
Overall, Inuyasha is the best anime out there and should be rejoiced around the world (which it is!) All Inuyasha haters are evil and should go to... well you know what I mean! ;)
by Priestess_Kikyou November 27, 2004
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An anime or manga that ranked high on Adult Swim.
A modern girl travels back in time to meet a half demon who is seeking power to become a full demon.
Themes: Romance, Drama, Mystery, Horror, Comedy, Historic.
Me: That episode was great. I'm really a fan of Inuyasha. The number one, actually.

Someone else: Inuyasha? Isn't that an anime?
by Kgirl June 26, 2005
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A show that was made in Japan, that KICKS ASS, and has a little Romance in it too. :D
Inuyasha: Richard Cox
Kagome: Moneca Stori
Kikyo: Willow Johnson
Miroku: Kirby Morrow
Sango: Kelly Sheridan
Shippo: Jillian Micheals
Naraku: Paul Dobson
Kagura: Ougami Izumi
Onigumo: Vaio Benson
Sesshomaru: David Kaye
Sota: Saffron Henderson
Kagome's Mom: Cathy Weseluck
by brrrrr April 27, 2004
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The best show ever. Yeah, I've seen all those other shows that people say are better, and I've understood all of them, too (for the most part), but I still think Inuyasha is better. So suck it, bitches!!!!
Inuyasha is the best show ever and nothing you can ever say can convince me otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Inuyasharocks October 27, 2004
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