
(Antonym; Extraversion)

A preference for living in, and gaining one's energy from, one's inner world of thoughts, feelings and perceptions.
(noun of introversion=introvert)

Bob (an introvert) lives happily alone, distant from friends and relatives, and doesn't go out very often.
by Jonesey October 14, 2005
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A calm, thoughtful, work out the right thing to do type of person.

Often assumed deliberately silent, un-nerving, non-contributory.
I am an introversion but optimistic guy. Wishing to make friends with you.
by kaosmoker September 30, 2018
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The level of introversion a person experiences.
That guy's introversity is off the charts.
by Introverse March 4, 2006
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Introduced to the universe of a particular cultural phenomenon, as made popular on the Pretty Good Podcast
I was introversed to Lost and now I won't sleep until I watch every last episode.
by bt3000 December 1, 2009
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