Insane asylums

a place where u should be
You: Insane asylums are where I belong.
by thatweirdshitposter October 11, 2020
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Insane asylum

A hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person.
Jerry was mentally ill so he went to Searcy Insane Asylum in Alabama
by MandaPanda💁🙋 April 8, 2015
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Insane Asylum

Formerly known as the old Mental Health Institutions of the bygone era, where patients were abused and experimented on (ie. lobotomy, electroconvulsive therapy, etc..)

Now the term “Insane Asylum” takes on a whole new meaning.

Its not a place to warehouse the crazies anymore. Its a place, where sane and rational people can seek Asylum from this crazy world and all the nut-jobs in it.
Hey, look, Theres too many crazy mental defectives in the world. I need to seek asylum in an insane asylum, that way I have asylum from the insane!
by st31n3r February 25, 2021
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a term for any discord server, its meaning is something like "this is hell".
Geoff: hey, did you see the new hot meme in that fireblaze's insane asylum?
Joel: yeah, it was such a trendy meme! i loved it!
by Obama's N-word Pass September 11, 2021
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