Inala is the centre of druglords in queensland. It's incredibly dangerous and is home to a bunch of cunts who don't give a shot.
It is also the home of the eshays.
It is also the home of the eshays.
by HahaYesMan April 27, 2019
inala is home to Queenslands biggest druggos, thousands of Asians and hundreds of pacific islanders. many eshays around the area. come down to the civic centre and get some fucking dog from the fucking Chinese restaurant. the school bathrooms are full of needles and fucking cocaine bags. watch out, fucking steve the fucking crackhead and Kelly will come and steal from ya, youll see them at the shops fucking taking drugs apparently she got her kids taken off her. you better watch out if you walk past margarets, her dogs will jump the fence and get you. don't take your kids to the park if you don't want them to become crackheads. it is nescassery to call your local shop attendee and fucking cunt, especially quan.
by ashmeresmith030601 July 11, 2019
a fucked up town, full of asians. so many druggos. you can go down to the local civic centre and eat some dogs. be careful of kelly clayton, steve the crack head there gang, they’ll fucking inject you with heroin. make sure to go and visit the fucking derro school with fucking needles!! compulsory to call the teachers and shop wieners cunts.
by ashmeresmith030601 July 11, 2019
The term for when you live in a crappy suburb inhabited by unemployed bogans, druggy's and a crap load of gangs, each consisting of a various number of asian high-school kids and a token white kid who tries to act asian.
Kate - "Dude! You live in a complete shit-hole!"
Sean - "Your telling me? I'm living The Inala Dream."
Sean - "Your telling me? I'm living The Inala Dream."
by Ninjafleaslayerr February 2, 2010
Known by Brisbane locals as Mango hill,
It's inala on a hill full of houso units which house the notorious public penis flasher pauly.
It's inala on a hill full of houso units which house the notorious public penis flasher pauly.
by vh1234 November 25, 2021
by Sneaky R0ger October 21, 2010