1) A card game.

2) An activity that if you do it in someone else's room past your curfew, you will end up on probation for two hours.
1) Chris: "Let's play Mao."
Me and Christina: "Ok."

2) Kevin: "You're not supposed to be here...I'm calling Branden."
Me: "Fuck you, Kev."
by Live.Love.Learn August 1, 2009
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The chinese guy that killed more than hitler and stalin combined.
by 8tb39q4 g February 7, 2020
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Comes from roflmao, an acronym for "roll around on the floor laughing my ass off"
Therefaore mao is defined as "My ass off".
However it can used for just about everything.
omg, lol mao! sifnt you tool!
by Alasdair Edwards August 1, 2004
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The rapid and forceful consumption of a mind/state-altering pill. Originating from the sound one makes when performing said act; onomonopia.
Daniel K. Mayer: "Open your mouth... trust me."
Neil Sandinger: (opens mouth, rapidly inserts) "Mao!"
Daniel: "My turn, mao!"
Both: (giggling ensues).
by DAEps July 13, 2010
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n./ onomonopia/ The sound the maocat makes. This sound will be eniviatably be uttered by Melody's maokittens.

Origin: Milford, CT
Ex. After jimmy was done playing with his trainz games, he heard maocat exlaim MAOOOOOO from under the house

Maocat: MAOOOO
by thosearntmyshoulders August 22, 2009
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