A self-made Punk with ever-changing personality and appearance. A deceitful shammer in the world of social network. In a nutshell, he is a punk postiche who is an India but looks likes an Asian, talks like a German but sounds like a British. Nothing upright about him unless you think its the wonders of Photoshop.
Don't be an infamous phony and guile like Ennuied Imp, just be yourself.
by Mendy54 October 12, 2012
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The thing that will kill peoples futures in college and take rape every person who tries to pass it.
Student: IMP math sucks.

Teacher: I know. I wasn't trained for this...*grumbles and walks away without helping student*
by Xadon January 19, 2011
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A move so devastatingly horrifying typically in plants vs. Zombies garden warfare, 1 or 2, where an all-star presses the left bumper as soon as they make contact with anything that moves resulting in them killing you with it then t-bagging you typically because their father shows then no love or affection due to him leaving them at the age of 2
Plant: oh no! Its an imp punter!!!! What a fucking pussy
All-star: *left bumper spamming*

Plant: You fucking bitch.
All-star: *t-bags*
by Deez ur mom lmao November 1, 2021
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1. (n.) The cause of the irritating sensation one gets when something is lodged inside their shoe.
"OW! There's something in my shoe!"

"Damn Shoe Imps..."
by idon'twannabefriends1243 September 30, 2011
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Ennuied Imp is a failed punk scene. An infamous self portrait artist on dA. He fakes his eye color to blue and his pictures are as phony as hell. Joins in almost all the groups for laurels. A modern postiche of the 21st century!
Visual Scene as depicted is not what Ennuied Imp is.
by LadyLinda September 4, 2011
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A-Khan became "Imp the Dimp, the Ladies Pimp" from his sick poppin skillz. Name originated with the Sugar Hill Gang. One Who is A Krazy Pimp.
Brutha- "Shit...those moves gonna get you busy! You should be called, Imp the Dimp, the Ladies Pimp!
by Imp The Dimp January 30, 2005
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