iffied [iff-eed]

when you have an unexpected influx of information in a conversation
being defined as someone who has been told information they didn't expect the other person to know.

"what is rolling stock?"
iffie: "rolling stock is anything to do with rail and transportations, it refers to railway vehicles, power vehicles... anything to do with rail"
me: oh shit i just got iffied iff-eed
by ninjabicookies February 28, 2020
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Iffy means someting like its

"not important"
by Jxtxn8 January 31, 2018
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when someone acts suspicious but you don’t know what it is about them
haadia is acting a bit iffy today
by kingdiabeto November 22, 2023
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iffy giver; 1. a person that gives iffy/unsureness to a sentence or phrase making it unbelievable to the reader

2. someone who makes somthing sound unbelievable therefore giving it iffy <3
guy 1: i made pasta last night

guy 2: hmmm sounds little iffy to me are you sure u didn’t buy it from a store
guy 1: yes…. yes i did *sadly walks away*
by 51shootinstars December 20, 2021
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uncertain, sketchy or dodgy.

Usually if something or someone is offy it is odd in an inexplicable way.
Person 1: Dude that guy over there looks very iffy.

Person 2: yeah we should probably stay away from him.
by Skryko December 6, 2019
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uncertain, sketchy or dodgy.

Usually if something or someone is iffy it is odd in an inexplicable way.
Person 1: Dude that guy over there looks very iffy.

Person 2: yeah we should probably stay away from him.
by Skryko December 6, 2019
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