A special case of a strawman argument in which, after being criticized for being hypocritical, one intentionally mischaracterizes the criticism as being an additional layer of hypocrisy.
Person A) "It's pure hypocrisy that after being so concerned with Hillary's private emails, Republicans are shrugging after we find out Ivanka Trump has been sending official White House business emails from a private account."

Person B: "Oh, what? So you were perfectly fine with Hillary doing it, but you care all of a sudden when Ivanka does it? It's YOU who's a hypocrite."

Person A: "Don't pull that retroactive hypocrisy on me. I didn't say anything about my own approval or disapproval of either Hillary or Ivanka."
by bwseventytwo November 20, 2018
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the intentional misrepresentation (or uncanny delusion) that you are supposedly being transparent
Transparent hypocrisy - like preaching temperance from a bar stool; C-SPAN (seen all those televised proceedings that were promised during the election campaigns?);

- like claiming to be a patriot while giving aid and comfort to the enemy (raising a question about whether the Supreme court decision might somehow eventually allow an imbalance in citizens rights while granting a non-citizen terrorist the full legal rights of a citizen)
- is like worrying about global warming, but not about your globetrotting airplane habit or mansion-sized electric bill
by op_position February 5, 2010
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When a country blamed other nations for using their own state-funded vaccines to expand their political and economic influence across the world, and now it is doing the same thing, by promising to donate millions of vaccine doses to developing nations to make up for its geopolitical losses, which arose due to fake political leadership.
To counter China’s and Russia’s vaccine diplomacy in the developing world, the US has succumbed to vaccine hypocrisy, as it plans to donate half a billion Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine doses globally as a desperate attempt to resurrect its comatose leadership on the world stage.
by MathPlus June 10, 2021
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The Grand Hypocrisy Party (GHP) is also known as the Grand Old Party (GOP) or the Republican party also known as the Repugnicant Party. They say one thing and do another. Their stated ideology is completely intellectually inconsistent and filled with hypocrisy.
The Grand Hypocrisy Party says that they believe in small government, yet what they mean is small enough to fit into your bedroom and personal life where they insist on legislating their own narrow minded morality. They say they believe in fiscal discipline, complain about deficit spending, yet advocate tax cuts for the top 2% of the ultra wealthy and yet don't even pretend to offer a way to pay for them. They say they believe in the Constitution yet have acted to undercut the Constitutional rights of the People and advocate amending the Constitution and abolishing Amendments that guarantee people fundamental rights!
by jmspaesq October 30, 2010
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A term used by Texas Republican Congressman John Carter after Congress censured Joe Wilson for his 2010 "You Lie" comment, but not Charlie Rangel for his tax problems
Nancy Pelosi's Congress is a House of Hypocrisy.
by StoogeWatcher August 21, 2010
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Hypocrisy horse- a person that is self righteous and vociferous in their attitude and is guilty of the same things that they are speaking out against.
I shook my head as she climbed up on her hypocrisy horse, telling me what a slob I am while sitting surrounded by a chaotic mess.
by Monty Shagswell May 20, 2023
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To go against something you truly believed in. An example is being against female circumcision and supporting male circumcision.
Hypocrite: I just got my son circumcised.
Intactivist: That’s really cruel of you. Would you do it to your daughter as well?
Hypocrite: WTF? That’s actual child abuse!
Intactivist: So as male circumcision. Being against one and supporting the other is extremely hypocritical. It’s a double standard.
Hypocrite: No, it’s not! Male circumcision has health benefits while female circumcision does not!
Intactivist: Neither of those have health benefits. If they do, it shouldn’t be done to a child.
Hypocrite: BS!
Intactivist: That is the definition of hypocrisy.
by Excrushman February 28, 2023
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