Hitting the Sheets

I heard Joe and Melissa were hitting the sheets last night and he spladoodled in her face.
by T-Money /Taylor K. March 7, 2005
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hit the sheets

to go to bed; to go to sleep
Exhausted from his strenuous workout, John hit the sheets.
by Cristopher February 7, 2008
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Hit the sheets

Going to sleep.
Fall in to bed and instantly fall asleep
"Alright boy's I'm gonna hit the sheet's"
"Alright boy's I'm bouta hit the sheet's"
Going to sleep really fast when you hit the sheets/bed
by IDontPot October 16, 2019
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Hit the sheets

to go to bed with/have sex with someone
"I couldn't believe how hot he was. We hit the sheets that night."
by Alexandra August 6, 2004
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