Someone who looks like they are prepared to climb a mountain in everyday situations such as going to the supermarket or watch a film at the cinema. But they never going hiking
A Hikee wears practical hiking clothing in urban areas. Even thou they are not going to climb a mountain or walk across some vast stretch of land miles from anywhere.

They might wear clumpy hiking shoes, water proof trousers and carry a ruck-sack with a water supply in it accessed through a straw in urban environments such as town centers. Overly dressed. Hikees are like Pikeys of the urban world, but never go hiking, just want to be pratical.
by mrhappybond November 4, 2009
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i) I went hiking with my scout troopers
ii) My grandfather accidentally went hiking
by AddisonPlus June 24, 2007
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A common euphemism for having sex/having an affair. This term was popularized by Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina, who went missing for several days and informed the public he was hiking
Husband: Honey, I think I'm going to go out hiking this weekend.

Wife: OK dear. Have fun!
by MarkSanford June 24, 2009
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1. Where you say you're hiking, but in reality, it's way too hot to do so, and so you don't actually go hiking
2. smoking crack in the woods
by Chadsworth fitzgerald June 1, 2021
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Sally:” Timmy wanna go hiking?”
Timmy:”Sure I would love malaria!”
by TheticalJester August 18, 2018
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To crack a joke on someone or something.
it's a Newark, NJ thang!
Yo, they was hiking this dude down about his clothes.

eng def: They were cracking jokes on this guys clothing.
by Tunky October 28, 2005
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To pull clothing up - for the purpose of either covering up or revealing something.
1) She hiked up her skirt so I could see her panties.
2) She hiked up her strapless top so her boobs wouldn't pop out.
by beeuuutiful May 25, 2008
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