dou·ble he·lix
noun: double helix; plural noun: double helices
a pair of parallel helices intertwined about a common axis, especially that in the structure of the DNA molecule.
Double Helix, A pair of parallel helices
by Research Triangle High School October 23, 2014
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Can also be put together as TripleHelix so it flows nicely.
This sweet name was brewed up by me and my friend in biology a long time ago becaue we were discussing double helixes in it and then all the sudden i said "is there a such thing as a triple helix and my friend said that would be a cool name for a band" and i agreed, so I have used this name ever since SO NO ONE BETTER NOT JOCK ME

Sincerely, D.M.G.
TripleHelix will PWN YOU OMGWTFBBQ!!!XD
by Daniel September 2, 2004
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When two hard gay men twist their man meat together to make what resembles a DNA “double helix
Dude I walked into Kyle's dorm and he was doing a double helix!!!!
by Shock_wave26 February 14, 2022
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Wherein you and your two best friends stand facing away from each other, link arms and squat while turning and dropping a deuce. The resulting action is a helix shaped piece of doodoo. It's best to do this in one of your parents bathtubs as to mark your territory and seal your bond of friendship.
Henry-How did you get to such good friends with Liz and Brian?
Me-We bonded over the triple helix in our freshman year of college.
by Ponchogoblin June 5, 2014
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helix 1989 is the definition of a homosexual with a little willy and a wide ass hole.
helix 1989 (ryan) slag
by rebeleous January 18, 2004
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The rare occurence when you have a male orgy take place on two spiral staircases. Men must suck the higherups dick while the hold hands with the men on the second staircase..
guy 1: We double helixed last was beautiful man
guy 2: that's twisted man!
by kairamat January 16, 2015
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