Term used in the U.S. military for person of Arab/Middle Eastern descent. Supposedly in arabic the word Hajji is added to a person's name to signify that they've made the Hadj pilgramage to Mecca.
Our convoy took sniper and RPG fire from group of 8-10 hajjis.
by Trav September 24, 2004
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A title of respect that a Muslim gains after completing the hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca. The Hajj is one of the five pillars of faith that a Muslim needs to fulfill to get to heaven.
Mr. Taliban is a hypocrite and would never become a true Hajji.
by Fred L. September 18, 2007
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used by some US military in the middle east as an adjective to describe locally obtained, usually ersatz, products.
When we resupplied the ship's store in Bahrain, we only could get Fanta and Hajji Dew.
by T-S December 17, 2006
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Hajji is a title in Islam for one who has completed the pilgrimage to Mecca (a rite known as Hajj), as dictated by Islamic faith.

It is most commonly used in an ironic manner toward Muslims who have not completed Hajj, and has expanded to a general derogatory term for Arabs.

However the title is an honor to those who have completed Hajj, and is not restricted to any single ethnicity.
Afghans typically cannot afford to make the pilgrimage west to Mecca, and are particularly insulted to be called "Hajji".

Muslims in eastern Europe may be offended by to be called "Hajji", since many erroneously consider all Muslims to be Arabs.
by Noah Majinashin September 1, 2010
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Normally this is a term some US military (deployed to Middle Eastern countries) refer to Middle Easterners or even those that appear middle eastern, but are really from India and places more distant like that. Sometimes it can be used in a way to taunt them to clean up around the office. (see also hodger)
SGT Chavarria: Hey Arocho, look at all those hajjis coming into the base. What do you think they are up to?

SPC Arocho: I dunno Chav, must be seeking revenge for that time SGM yelled at dem hodgers we had sweepin in our office, to get to cleaning his desert SUV on the double.

SGT Chavarria: Yeh or maybe when he had their backs spray painted with 'STAY ARMY' haha! oh shit RPG! Take cover! damn hajjis!!
by Mike 'earl' Arocho July 29, 2005
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A name used to describe people of Indian (from India) decent. It originates from a character in the cartoon series "Johnny Quest".
All the motels in town are owned by Hajjis.
by JREwing April 11, 2006
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(n). 1. A big-ass penis.
Dude your hajji is sticking out!
by Mr. LoveShack January 1, 2004
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