3 definitions by T-S


Shortened from cheap ass. With objects, shoddy. When used to describe an person's actions or a person, it implies a level of malevolence, but mild, usually through inaction. CHEP-us
Of course it broke. What do you expect from a chepas drill.

Scheduling a evening test on the night of the Final Four? Chepas!

That chepas bastard said he'd give me a ride just five minutes ago.
by T-S December 17, 2006
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used by some US military in the middle east as an adjective to describe locally obtained, usually ersatz, products.
When we resupplied the ship's store in Bahrain, we only could get Fanta and Hajji Dew.
by T-S December 17, 2006
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In electronics, short for diagonal cutters. Used, though, for any small wire-cutting and metal snipping tool. Also, used as a transitive verb for removing something by cutting it out. May also be spelled dyke.
Hand me the dikes, I need to dike out this pot.
by T-S December 16, 2006
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