
Gyro is an Italian man who practically is the main character in JoJo part 7: Steel ball run. Gyro used to work as a doctor and fucked his female patients behind his fathers back, and is now helping a cripple named Johnny Joestar who is in fact a dickhead
Guy 1; Gyro is so fuckin' funny in SBR
Guy 2: no shit
by Gyro Zepelli August 1, 2019
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Gyro -is a noun used to describe the process of rotating or passing around a vaporizing device, commonly a juul.
l"Don't fuck up the gyro"
- hits theee times

"Bro gtfo of our gyro ou swiddeling motherfucker"
by GyroAssMofo July 17, 2018
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gyro is when yer maws money gets in fay the job centre like homeless benefit money
Mainly hobos and alchies get this gyro

commonly used in sentecnces like MOAN THE GYRO or

stacey needed the gyro to buy the bottle of alcohol
by bellshill slang February 28, 2019
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A great Greek sandwich-like food, including strips of lamb, garlic and a cucumber sauce... actually pronounced "YE-row"
"I'd like a gyro, please"
"Comin right up"
by RUC2ndRangersVZ October 3, 2003
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a check from the government which pays you for not being employed
In Trainspotting Spud has to "fuck up good and proper" when he has a job interview. "or the DHHS will catch on - this cunt's not tryin' - and your gyro's fucking finished"
by _GoD_ September 21, 2004
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Balls in the ass, sandwich in the pussy.
"Oh i totally gyro'd my girl last night. There was deli meat everywhere."
by aznpplunite May 22, 2008
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Derived from the word "Gyrosexual," meaning "lover of green penises. A gyro is someone who has a great passion for the color green.
Frank is an artist who only paints using the color green because he is a gyro.
by HORNYGREENMAN June 22, 2019
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