A word that Eskimos use to calm down their children. Also a word Eskimos use when they're having sex.
by Lemmy March 27, 2004
A word that Eskimos use to calm down their children. Also, a word Eskimos use when they're having sex.
No example available.
No example available.
by Definition men January 16, 2019
Goosfraba- noun- Name for women a man hate fucks or wants to hate fuck, because at some point she humiliated or emasculated said man.
Goosfraba- verb- When a man hate fucks a women and purposely ejaculates in or on her then quickly leaves to never talk to her again.
Goosfraba- verb- When a man hate fucks a women and purposely ejaculates in or on her then quickly leaves to never talk to her again.
Noun Joe she is such a Goosfraba
Verb Joe last night I hit that bitch with the old Goosfraba
By Dr Definition
Verb Joe last night I hit that bitch with the old Goosfraba
By Dr Definition