A black arts master whose sole purpose is to taste all glizzys throughout the galaxy….. not just the food kind either.
Mike: “Man since when did Winston become a glizzard wizard?”

Marcus: “He’s been that way since we were kids!”
by January 18, 2023
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The term Glizzard Wizard refers to people who eat food sideways. These foods are supposed to be eaten front to back, such as a burrito, banana or hot dog. Not to be confused with a Glizzy Gladiator, who specifically eats hot dogs sideways.
Did you see how Justin Bieber ate that burrito? I bet he does it with hot dogs and bananas too.

Yeh man, he's definitely a Glizzard Wizard.
by Cybershot24 July 24, 2020
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A person who could make a Glizzy disappear via any orifice in ones body regardless of length and width.
Mike: "Damn did you see Winston sit on that Glizzy and make it disappear?"

Marcus: "Not surprised; when I try to BBQ Glizzies when he is over, I can never find em."

Mike: "There he is! That damn Glizzard Wizard!"
by UncleBrewski210 January 19, 2023
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The person with the biggest dick in the orgy. Usually of african decent.
Damn tyrone was the Glizzard Wizard of the group last night, i cant feel my insides.
by Glizzard Wizerd September 10, 2020
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