Very, very mean woman. Typically used in reference to a IT boss lady.
Our wonderful gigabitch Marita has us working that bug all night long.
by Hazey Jane August 18, 2003
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A guy (or woman) who is exactly 1,073,741,824 times more of a Bitch than an actual regular bitch. A Gigabitch goes above and beyond with the bitchery, even savvy with the bitchness. It goes around usually mad at the world and even hates oxygen! Salty for no apparent reason type of mf. A Gigabitch will out-maneuver itself to reach new lows. By the time you read this a Gigabitch will have stepped on a ladybug.

"Man, that fool seen my girl at WalMart and told her he heard I was fuckin her friend. That Gigabitch azz nigga!"
"Burbank cops DEFINE the term Gigabitch! They even arrest cartoons!!"
by Clara Blanqy November 29, 2018
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