The Ultimate Man, the Chad to out Chad all Chads, the Alpha Male of the Alpha Males. If a woman were to look in his direction she would immediately orgasm. His jawline is a perfect 116 degrees. The absolute Chad to end all absolute Chads. Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Oh you're in a happy relationship with your girlfriend/wife? This man will kidnap her and give her the most severe case of stockholm syndrome that has ever been seen to man. Next to this superior human you will look like the weakest soy boy faggot in history. TL;DR: This man is an absolute Chad x100000.
"What a fucking Giga Chad." ~ Anyone who's watched cuckold porn.
by JustLetMeMakeAHandle September 22, 2019
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chad but 10x more alpha
chad: oh im the best
giga chad: shush, you are not ready,
by Crazilite July 8, 2022
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A man who is beyond chad, a man who is loved for the things that he does, Giga chad
Yoooo I just met Giga chad

what do you mean I play dark souls on the hardest difficulty, I am the Giga chad
by Definer person V3 October 18, 2021
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Tony Mcflurry: Have you seen that Giga Chad?
Lightning Mcqueen: Yeah, it's the person reading this.
by Joeguy817 September 5, 2022
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Conquering more territory in 16 years than the Romans did in 300, and being the ancestor of 2%+ of the world's population. Giga chad personified.
by Amar1905 April 3, 2022
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The ultimate thot slayer. Doesn't got to sleep until he has sent every single thot in his path to the shadow realm. Has sex on his daily basis
by Cheesire April 12, 2022
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