An instance in which someone starts a board on a forum, only to wander off to another board. Upon returning, they find posts from people who got tired of waiting for a reply and have wandered off to another board. They get tired of waiting and wander off to another board, and the cycle repeats itself.
1:00 K:I'm Bored...
<No Response>
1:30 J:I'll talk to you.
<No Response>
1:32 J:Are you there?
<No Response>
1:36 J:Hello?
<No Response>
1:42 K:Sorry, Hi.
<No Response>
by Sean Rose September 23, 2004
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(n) an entry posted to with a strong editorial slant that mysteriously never appears on the website
Despite having received confirmation of my definition for "one-termer" and a message that the definition will appear in the next 24 hours, it never does. Considering the level of incoherent gibberish that does get posted, one has to wonder how my entry became a ghost post. Can an entry be posted, recommended for deletion, voted on, and deleted in less than 48 hours? I seriously doubt it.

(Chances are you won't see this definition either.)
by fduck January 12, 2004
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When someone posts on your facebook wall but deletes it, yet you are still left with a notification that this person posted on your wall.
Man, I hate it when my friends leave ghost post on my wall.
by TheOneAndOnlyRaytatay April 11, 2011
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Social media posts written for a brand by a dedicated writer and not by a salaried employee of the company.
Who has the time to update social media? I have a company to run, and I don't want to hire someone for $30K+ a year. Let's just ghost post it. So easy, it's scary.
by puresurplus April 26, 2011
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Deleting your post on social media not long after you posted it.
"Jenny posted a rant about you on her wall earlier but then deleted it, fucking ghost poster.."
by iwriteoneverything January 26, 2018
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The idea Snap Chat stole from Katie. You post ideas and pictures and then they ghosts. Yandi doesnt believe it. But it happened. Ghost Post. Patent Pending. Copywright 1984.
Did you see Kayne's Ghost Post about Mister Rodgers...oh wait, it's gone.
by Red_band_trailer December 21, 2018
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A comment on a Facebook item (e.g. status, note, etc) that was removed by the author due to A) misspelling, B) stupid remark, C) awkward input, or D) other.

The result is typically confusion and several wasted minutes on the part of the one who was commented on or anyone who posted previously.
Facebook: XYZ commented on your note.
Me: ...where's the comment? Jeez, way to ghost post, XYZ.
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