A pseudo-science that lies only a few steps above sorcery. Your typical geologist has his head up his ass and takes his field way too seriously.
by WesNile September 17, 2008
pseudoscience taken from the Genesis Flood Narrative aka the Deluge Allegory from Genesis 6-8 as the young earth creationist Henry M. Morris and John C. Whitcomb chronicled in the pseudohistory publication titled "The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications " which equally influenced the Piss Drinking Bastard and Fucking Cartoon. Science shows us that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, as this is something one sees within theistic evolutionists and old earth creation as Old Earth Ministries was founded by a geologist as a one man show that brings a meaning to academia from a faith perspective.
Both the Moron Magnet and Creation Science Evangelism both subscribe to what's known as a pseudoscience known as Flood Geology, it's trying to apply scientific method to the Great Flood narrative from Genesis as those who are theistic evolutionists will see this as allegory as they're looking up real science websites and applying the research into the Old Testament timeline -- the blog entry on A Publisher's Confessional via Tumblr.com that is noted for refuting Institute for Creation Research is called "The Science Gospel" as it bleeps K** H** as he calls Ken Ham's name vulgar language.
by illinoishorrorman February 13, 2018
Nickname for geology lab research done indoors with soil samples from outside. Derives from the fact that such research, if done properly, will make your hands dirty (similar to "muddy boots biology").
Ethan: "My hands are all dirty from finding the pH of my soil sample"
Andrew: "Well, what did you expect? This IS dirty hands geology for Pete's sake!"
Andrew: "Well, what did you expect? This IS dirty hands geology for Pete's sake!"
by Dirtyhandsmann March 28, 2009
by Wardstaps March 6, 2019
Describing when a joke breaks up into a multitude of comedic values that that have varying levels of humor
by Shawtytrifling July 31, 2021
had to spend some ocular geology time this am
the rocks around my eyes would tire even the most hardy ocular geologist this morning!
the rocks around my eyes would tire even the most hardy ocular geologist this morning!
by michael foolsley February 23, 2010