to make like a weasel, and rapidly spin around, opening and closing your mouth and generally acting panicked.
Karkat got hit by a bucket, and proceeded to flip the fuck out, it took Terezi drubbing him with her cane to calm him down.
by deathsChemist April 26, 2012
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1. A phrase used, generally to express the ugerncy of the situation, in which the need to leave has arisen.

2. Also used as an attempt to deter unwanted persons.

The less acceptable version of Get the Flip Out

Abbrev.- GTFO
1. Man pulls a gun in store. Bystander: "Holy hell, a gun, Get the Fuck Out!"

2. Two people are having intercourse, and a third enters the room. Couple:" Get the FUCK OUT."
by HtheBoss June 15, 2009
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to become so calm and relaxed, almost in a state of quiet ecstasy, that anything in your life that makes you say "fuck!" no longer exists
Bob: Erin, what are you doing today?
Erin: I'm going to chill the FUCK out.
by aieuo September 21, 2009
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Basically it means to beat someone down really bad with punches, kicks, elbows, and so forth.....there doesnt' really have to be a whole lot of blood (though the more the merrier).....but as long as the dude's hobbling off and wakes up the next day with a good reminder of why its a bad idea to fuck with you in the first place. Thats what it would mean to "beat the fuck out of someone"
I was blind drunk and beat the fuck out of this redneck.....he got it pretty bad, to be honest =/
by CRWI January 11, 2010
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"No, I'm not going to work on that lease agreement over the weekend, and I don't want to be your audience for conference calls just because I'm hot and you think I'm your prized showdog. Peace the fuck out, man."
by Sallie Mason May 20, 2005
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A state of intoxication well past not only the legal limit but also exceeding a person's physical safety.
"Oh damn, its only 10:00 and John is already passed the fuck out"
by Andrrew July 27, 2006
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