The utensil used for eating a Wendy's Frosty.
A Wendy's Frosty is the only soquid eaten with a fpoon.
by some punk kid May 11, 2006
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N. a spoon like utensil given @ Wendy's..although asking for one is not recommended, unless you happen to live in Ojai, and call Yourself the Fpoon Master, or the Fpoon which its okay.

N. Someone who thinks they are Too Cool for school, and have to be harsh against those of the spork nature, who are deemed sporks by the Fpoons to begin with.
1. Where's my FPOON!?!?
The fpoon broke when it smashed into the table.

2. I'm a fpoon, therefore I'm better than you!
Duh, Fpoons are better than Sporks, because they represent everything on Earth that is great, while sporks represent Earth in all its faults...
by Handsome Rod October 19, 2006
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the term used after forking and before spooning, or after spooning and before forking, its interchangable
wow that was great lets fpoon
ok im tired of spooning lets fpoon
by Arand December 5, 2006
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The opposite of a spork; an eating utensil that is comprised of four tongs, like a fork, and a small cup in the back, like a spoon.
I cannot think of a single food that I would need a fpoon to eat.
by Frybaconnaked April 27, 2006
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A word used to describe the coolest of person. A fpoon is a person who is a master of the art of fpoon, and knows when and where to declare their fpoonyness. Fpoons are typically very accepting of other people, but at times they do not acknowledge those of the sporky gender.
by Kayanna September 23, 2006
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(1) A term originating on the Cho'gall server of World of Warcraft, referring to a player who is extremely bad at PvP (player vs player combat). Based on a player of the same name who consistently lost duels and got killed by other players in PvP.

(2) Someone who doesn't know how to play a mage in World of Warcraft.
That guy is so bad at PvP, he is worse than Fpoon!
by bix nood September 17, 2006
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Anal spooning is cuddling, but there is an "F" so it becomes fucking while in spoon position.
"you should fpoon her"
"I don't know I'm not into ass stuff"
by Andrew412 November 25, 2015
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