They are the soldiers that are commanded by the Fearsome Sturgeon General.
We are being attacked by Flak Sharks, Damn you Sturgeo
by Borntokill November 20, 2013
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n. A bombardment of media by the news on a subject that, realistically, isn't that important. Cindy Sheehan, Paris Hilton, and Gus Van Sant would not exist to you if flak riot did not exist.
I didn't care much for the first two, but the flak riot on GTA San Andreas' hidden porn hack almost makes it worth purchasing...
by Robert Akins August 16, 2005
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To move in an indecisive fashion. To browse.
I saw her flik-flaking around John lewis the other day.

I thought I'd pop up west, have a flik-flak about.
by Cynthia Purple-Pencil March 4, 2004
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A fearsome yellow weapon that shoots metal shards with high speed. Alternate fire launches a ball shaped grenade which has a smile painted on it.
Dude1: Stop spamming the flak man!
Dude2: omg whiner lololol
by bonehead November 17, 2004
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Used by the Dutch to mean a back flip.
Ohh did you see my flik flak!?
That flik flak was SUPERPHAT!
by Orlandoooo January 20, 2008
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Dirty meridian Hoover den drug
“Look at that dirty meridian flakking out” flakka
by Hooverlover January 2, 2018
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A Nazicore/Shitcore band formed out of Braselton, Ga. Known for their nonexistent songs, McDonald visits, Xbox 360 playing, and getting drunk off half a beer while trying to figure out their instruments.

Thomas: Are yous guys readys fors thes shittiest metals yous evers heard! We're FLAK 22!!! FORS AMERICA!!!

Thomas: HOLY SHITS!!!! Listens to this FUCKINGS METALS!!!...... MCDONALDS and Heils Hitlers!!!

Ryan: Is my bass amp on?!

Thomas: Clint whys isn't yours amp ons?

Clint: What's an amp? That sounds sketchy man, I'm calling the cops!
by John Sidney McCain II August 14, 2009
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