Doing/Smoking/Experimenting with Marijuana (also known as Weed, Pot, Cannabis, Ganja, Bud, Etc.) Most often used as smoking Marijuana for the first time (not always used in this way)
Tim: Dude today "I fell in love with Mary Jane."
Bob: No Way! I love her too.
by YourEveryDayGuideToMaryJane October 29, 2011
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Twitter Dude: My Grandma just died
Random Guy On Twitter: Ratio+You Fell Off+ YB Better
by Adifiddid October 29, 2021
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Sardonically used, when someone trips and falls.
"That poor girl just slipped on a banana peel." "She's no fun, she fell right over." From Firesign Theatre skit. Preceeded by "let's put her on her head."
by Liberte July 28, 2006
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A term used to describe something that you haven't heard or seen in forever.
Me: Dude, is that a Yugo?

Friend: Dafuq? I haven't seen one since i fell off my dinosaur
by batmanbinsuparman June 14, 2012
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A sarcastic reply, used when you don't understand what the other person is saying (commonly technical).
Frenchie: C'est ville quos muos pume rouge j'aime marsh'mallo
Paul: I had one but the wheels fell off.


Person A: All you have to do is remove the hydraulic overhead slip ring so the cam will meet the side flange.
Person B: Yeah, I had one but the wheels fell off.
by weavile22 December 27, 2011
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Completing two tasks in one trip, for people who don't like to talk about violence against our feathered friends (i.e., "kill two birds with one stone")
Sarah: "I am going to go buy a Wii, let's go to Best Buy!"
Angie: "I need to get some milk at the grocery store, why don't we go do both, so we can rescue two squirrels in one fell swoop."
Sarah: "Perfect!"
by Heather Chandler January 18, 2011
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The term used to describe the feeling of weightlessness brought about by motion forces.
Bob: *drives over a big bump on the highway, at full speed in his 98 Camry with blown shocks*

Nate: Damn, my bladder just fell out of my asshole.
by Larry Saunders August 18, 2021
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