17 definitions by Liberte

In the 60's, a freak was someone who dressed like a hippy and did drugs. Was not derogatory.
Wow, that long-haired guy in the tie-dye looks like a freak.
by Liberte July 28, 2006
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The way someone looks or feels when they've had a hard time of it. From a horseman's term, when someone has not taken care of a horse after a hard day.
He was all hot and sweaty, he looks like he was rode hard and put away wet.
by Liberte July 28, 2006
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Term meaning "hey, wise up!" From Alice Cooper song, which derived from a phrase he heard in the Little Rascals t.v. show: "Hey, Spanky, school's out."
You think everyone's always honest? Hey, school's out.
by Liberte July 28, 2006
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A derogtory name for someone who is or acts like trailer trash.
"Hey there, Trailer Park, how ya doin'?"
by Liberte July 28, 2006
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Perfect. Was pronounced that way by Curly in The Three Stooges t.v. show.
Hey, let's go to the Beach today. Poifect!
by Liberte July 28, 2006
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