
A group of 5 or more faggots
" Hey look at that fagate of nerds"
by Yung_Boi May 20, 2018
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Omg they totally Fagatized that dance move!
by Sophie!! ~.^ April 4, 2009
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Fagator - A gay dinosaur
It's used as an insult
by Tri-Stan June 1, 2016
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I was completely fagatized by that guy I saw at the gay club last night! He was so pretty!
by Twatts February 4, 2010
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a gay-man that usually dresses like a musketeer and acts like one.
Most of the time this is just a way to hit on non-fag people.
the total opposite of a Dushkarion
"Dude, seriously, there is a fagateer approuchin. Better tape your butflaps together."
by 1337zorian April 6, 2005
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A homosexual act or any of the sterotypical homosexual attributes (lisp, feminine physicalities, etc...)
Hey Jason, I don't know if you realize it but that motion you just gave me to get in the car was a total fagatism.
by Blipstein July 16, 2008
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A cross over between Japanese looking emo a trendy and a fag. Fag-Gatou
Hey look a emo trendy looking fag, oh you mean the fagatou
by Wulang klan September 14, 2008
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