A very un-popular term meaning: End Your Life. Nowhere near as good as kys or anything of that nature.
Guy 1:Yo man, I just got Stephanie's number!
Guy 2:Wow, eyl.
Guy 1:WTF? EYL? Who says that? KYS
by Trapt October 23, 2006
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Guy1: ok bye, I'll see you soon.

Guy2: bye, see you again & eyl
by StayHappy September 12, 2019
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A kindhearted girl who will do great things in life. Funny and wholesome, she makes for a great friend. Hanging out with an Eylee is always a blast even though sometimes she will show you up with her unmatched intelligence. Eylees are rare so if you come across one, be sure to keep her.
That Eylee is just so damn smart
by thebear8989 August 19, 2018
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Lilyannah is the most sarcastic female you will ever meet. She doesn't give a fuck about school and she would do anything for you. Lilyannah Eyles-Newby is usually stunning and could possibly steal your man but trust me she would never steal anyone's man because she is the most loyal girl you will ever come across if you have met a female named Lilyannah I'm telling you keep her close because she is the most unproblematic female out there trust me
Person 1: omg is that Lilyannah Eyles-Newby
Person 2: yeah she is so lovely
by Uwillneverknowbish May 15, 2022
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