by Master of beargreen October 13, 2023
by maxichic February 20, 2006
Entwined Chaos are a 5 piece metal band, from Whitehaven, Cumbria, formed in summer 2007 by Scurr (lead guitar) and Ice (drums). Beast (rhythm guitar) joined a couple of weeks later followed by Casson (Bass) and after a few auditions they found Pimp (Vocals). The songs currently up are the bands demos and should form an EP later this year. a popular venue to witness the awsomeness that is entwined chaos would be the 3 tuns located also in whitehaven.
by Dmagee April 20, 2008
The dutch entwinement is when a man cums on another persons face (man or women) and the other licks it from around their mouth. They then scrap the rest of the cum off and masturbate with it until they cum. After they have both persons cum in their hand they finger blast the others mouth with each others cum that has been entwined into one cum
by Twerkplays February 3, 2014
by fred ressler April 9, 2017
When your wife/girlfriend stop giving you oral & you find it elsewhere.. but end up falling in love with the outside oral but you still love your wife/girlfriend
I really love my wife but my side piece head game is too crazy to let go, i found myself in a entwinement
by Coolmarq September 26, 2022