(Verb) 1. Pretending to further the cause of an entity/community while secretly pursuing a personal agenda.

(Noun) 2. Someone who is outwardly benevolent but selfish in action.
3. Short form for elongated muskrat.

Variants: Elon, Musk
"They think I'm helping them advertise the apartment because I'm a friend but they don't know I'm about to pull an Elon Musk on them"

"He chased away potential buyers from my apartment while pretending to help just so he could buy the apartment himself at a low price. He's such an Elon"
by Alien Anthropologist May 13, 2021
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Refers to someone who masturbates to AI generated porn and erotica.
Tim is an Elon Musk.
by Balls Obama September 4, 2023
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A racist entrepreneur who invented Tesla and many other things. A racist person who likes to be a gay dick to people.
Mom.. Tell Elon Musk to get his poop off my eyes!”
by gayrodger69696969 April 7, 2023
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The world's oldest child. Making the Model S price $69,420 USD which is hilarious.
by Jqoi Zunderlat November 9, 2020
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A fucking faggot who likes to piss off the internet.
Elon Musk is a faggot.
by bgfbhfhfgghnfhfhffh December 13, 2022
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Elon Musk is a stupid fucking piece of shit who profits off slavery, fascist imperalist military coups, child labour, and apartheid. He is entitled, transphobic and abuses his partners. Oh, also, he fires people for unionising.
"God, Elon Musk is such a dick."
by altervt September 10, 2020
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Elongrated muskrat. (Elon Musk) for short
Person one: EWW look at rabbit it looks like an elon musk.
Person two: yeah it kind of does.
by spongebobstesticals October 22, 2020
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