Anyone can be called a egga. It can be a nasty word or a good word.
1. For a bad word you could use it like this if a person is fat you could say ''look at that egga shes about to crack''.
2.Or for a good word you could simply say ''Alright eggA?'', ''Heya Egga''.
You could also put a 'y' on the end instead of 'a' so its 'Eggy'
by Yolky March 13, 2005
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A breakfast sandwich that consists of an egg and cheese, preferably with bacon as well, on an English muffin or bagel. It is usually eaten at breakfast time.
"Man, I could go for an egga begga right now..."

"Theres some gnar gnar bacon on this egga begga."
by Nick Allen May 12, 2007
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Los Vegas, but it's made of eggs.
Girl: Where is Los Eggas?
Guy: Los Eggas!
Girl: For fucks sake groaning followed by laughter
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