by SunnyBoyy August 15, 2020
by mcrbiggestfan December 21, 2020
by princess_harry April 19, 2021
he's a british ginger who will seduce you with his way of singing, the way he plays his guitar and his sick beats he makes on his loop station. his songs will make you cry but that's okay because he's super great and attractive that's all that matters
by stevish wonder September 9, 2014
Ed Sheeran, also known as "Ed Shweeran", is a British island boi and leader of the "Sheerio" religion.He makes brilliant music for people like madelorne,he tends to have mental breakdowns and describes himself as bwocken and emu. support him pwease.
He can often be spotted watching England matches alongside his wife Cherry (cheeky)
He can often be spotted watching England matches alongside his wife Cherry (cheeky)
by kakabebemilfs June 30, 2021