
A really good buddy;your close friend.
"Y'know,I've got a lot of friends and buddies,but only 1 is my Duddy."
by JohnBender August 8, 2006
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Givin some dome/head; sucking
"Daggggg man the other day that girl gave me some mean duddy."
by LeAk$ November 3, 2009
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(Noun) 1. A once proud white man who now despises everything white people do.

Synonyms: Apologist. Panderer. Social Justice warrior. Phoney.
"Ever since Trump got elected Christian is being a real Duddy"
by PeakedinHighschool December 18, 2017
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Meaning to be blasted stoned. Used when one doesn't want others to know what he or she is referring to. Derived from the texted face: -_- (dash, underscore, dash - hence the prefix DUD of the word duddy.)
When speaking: Dude, let's get duddy and order some grub!

When texting: I'm soooo -_- !!!!!!

either use is correct :)
by her_highnesss August 7, 2011
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1). To be worthless and not get anything accomplished.
2). To have frequent sex with the same person. Can occur multiple times during the day.
1). I would rather duddy then go to work any day.
2). Me and my boyfriend duddied before I had class in the morning.
by mpugga12 December 7, 2010
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A drug buddy. The one you prefer to do drugs with out of your group of friends, druggies, or pets.
Michael: Hey you thizzin` tonight?
Stephen: Naw, my duddy is sick so I'm not feeling it!


Michael: Lets take shots!!
Stephen: I'm not your duddy!
by omickey March 27, 2012
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a combonation of buddy and dude. Often used to your close friends.
Josh is my friend, he's my duddie.
by Makolious July 25, 2007
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