Duck Duck Go is a search engine that doesn't look at your cookies.
Person #1 Google sends my private information to advertisers and the government.
Person #2 Use Duck Duck Go instead!
by Privacy Advocate January 13, 2014
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A Search Engine That Doesn't bullshit you with selling your cookies and private information to advertisers (main reason you get ads from stuff you may be interested in but dont want ) and the government like google does . it actually has no ads and is customizable
person 1 : Google Selling My Cookies to Advertisers .
person 2 use Duck Duck Go"the search engine that doesn't track you
by DjDorian1 January 5, 2017
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Just DDG it already.

Duck duck go is clean, simple, safe AND the best part is that the search results are more relevant and different from those of Google. If you’re a lazy college kid with lots of assignments, go for DDG. Your essays and submissions will never be the same.
Duck duck go it already.
by Goodestboyever August 4, 2018
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