6 definitions by DjDorian1
Nend Sudes is A way of saying Send Nudes But The First letters are interchanged
Send Nudes
Nend Sudes
Send Nudes
Nend Sudes
by DjDorian1 October 18, 2017
A Search Engine That Doesn't bullshit you with selling your cookies and private information to advertisers (main reason you get ads from stuff you may be interested in but dont want ) and the government like google does . it actually has no ads and is customizable
person 1 : Google Selling My Cookies to Advertisers .
person 2 use Duck Duck Go"the search engine that doesn't track you
person 2 use Duck Duck Go"the search engine that doesn't track you
by DjDorian1 January 5, 2017
nibba : did you fail no nut november?
nibba : hell nah i aint fail no nut november im saving this nut for my girl on destroy dick december
nibba : hell nah i aint fail no nut november im saving this nut for my girl on destroy dick december
by DjDorian1 November 20, 2017
Destroy dick December Is the time of year when you must nut once December 1st nut twice December 2nd all the way up to December 31st when you nut 31 Times in one day.
by DjDorian1 November 20, 2017
mother : sweetie its time for you to go to bed give me your phone
15yr old : how come you get to be on your phone all day
mother : because im an adult
15yr old : how come you get to be on your phone all day
mother : because im an adult
by DjDorian1 November 7, 2017
A File Sharing Service That Started in 2006
Typically Used by Inexperienced dj's
Used by people as a way to upload their files anonymously and quick
Typically Used by Inexperienced dj's
Used by people as a way to upload their files anonymously and quick
by DjDorian1 December 10, 2017