Dude i’m so droned right now...
what does that mean”
dude drunk and stoned bro
by Erica the panda potato August 20, 2020
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A device that is used for guiding a drone's payload from the exterior of a home or business into the interior. Often on a recipients roof or the exterior of their home or business.
by dave_train September 6, 2016
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A scorestreak in Call of Duty: Mobile.
"Hunter Killer Drone deployed"
by P_V_M December 12, 2019
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The drone phenomenon occurs when a person starts behaving according to the best interests of a religion or nationality that is different than his own, even when they're fully aware their behavior is harmful and goes against their own personal best interests or the best interests of their religion or nationality. The drone phenomenon is a form of corruption pioneered by the Anglican and Catholic Churches. It can explain erratic behavior that would've otherwise been dismissed as having a low level of intelligence. The drone phenomenon is closely related to the phenomenon of deliberate incompetence and religious and nationalist corruption.
He or she is behaving like a mindless drone that is remotely controlled by an unknown party! We're witnessing the drone phenomenon in action.
by NartDaFart May 11, 2023
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Drone Bathing is a luxury spa service wherein the client is immersed in high-volume, low-frequency electric guitar music while watching customized machinama animation. This treatment is enjoyed by many suffering from feelings of disembodiment and dystopian narrative trajectories. Drone Bathing requires professional attendants and master drones to ensure a successful and safe experience. Due to the intensity of the sound levels, earplugs should always be worn.
A: I've been feeling really disembodied lately.
B: Have you tried Drone Bathing?
C: I went Drone Bathing and watched Quake IV and Captain Planet flying around a fantasy castle, while these drones played guitar so loud I could feel the vibrations all through my body....it was crazy.
by ShadowKat August 20, 2010
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To ram a drone into something; stunning or causing the target harm.
Also, attaching a penis shaped object to a drone and flying it into things.
I drone boned that guys face because he tried to swat at my drone.

I stuck a dildo on my drone and drone boned your mom last night.
by Rex Vajj April 8, 2018
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To be Stoned :
: to hurl stones at especially

: to kill by pelting with stones

: to make hard or insensitive to feeling
: to face, pave, or fortify with stones
: to rub, scour, or polish with a stone
Drone :
1. A male bee, especially a honeybee, performs no work and produces no honey. Its only function is to mate with the queen bee.
2. An idle person who lives off others; a loafer.
3. A person who does tedious or menial work; a drudge, A Whipping Boy

4. A remotely controlled or autonomous aircraft with no pilot on board. Also called unmanned aircraft system.
There Was a "Stoned Drone" Silence in the Room. I Started, "Stoned Drone" Productions!

Have you Ever Heard of the "Stoned Drone" Obstacle Course??

What Happened to the "Stoned Drone"? Isn't there a Channel Called "Stoned Drone"??
by JNX2020 June 21, 2021
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