Old term slang for weed
Go smoke your dope you pot heads!
by Oldie78 June 26, 2017
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Similar words • interesting •excellent •nice •cool .
Honey bought a dope pair of shoes, she told her friend penny about them penny thought they were dope “I never seen those before those are dope”. She said
“Them shoes are dope bro”.
by Mrs.Fallon December 21, 2021
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Most certainly 💯 heroin
Does he got any D?


D you schmuck, Dope… Heron!!
by surkmydirk March 6, 2022
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a dope chair is slang for the free wheelchairs that the city of portland gives out to drug addicts, typically to heroin users who are perfectly capable of walking, so that they can spend all day blocking the sidewalks nodding in their free wheelchairs.
Junkie: I'll trade my dope chair for a bag, the city gave it to me for free
by Fred Waters November 12, 2022
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Going"dope dutch" is similar to a Dutch date, where both parties pay for their own meal, rather than one person paying for everything. Dope Dutch means you have your dope, they have theirs.
Known Dope Chaser: "Let's hang out".
Known Dope Haver: "Sure, we can do that, but we'll be going DOPE DUTCH".
Chaser replies: "Of course, duuuh", but inside they're all "😬😕😔☹️"
by Beth Anne Fetermine February 15, 2023
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