All around homosexual. The type of guy to try everything and suck at everything. The guy is a total bot. Has 2 left feet and can't figure out how to even stand properly.
Timmy: who should we get next on our basketball team?
Brandon: Definitely not that Domonic kid, he is a total bot!
by LilBurr+Doms a bot June 26, 2019
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Domonic constantly lies because he has N.P.D
by TraceyLords October 4, 2017
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a fake cartoon with no dick....and a dip
by t June 6, 2003
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The person who is gonna kick the shit out of who ever defined my 1st name. Watch your fucking back bitch!
Domonic Schnurbusch is gonna murder kill beat and or maim who ever defined his 1st name and is ectremly pissed-off
by PISSED THE FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!! November 2, 2011
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1: A person who likes saying awe
2: A person with teeth of which trucks for a longboard can be fitted on.
3: A person who likes dating teenagers for which he can get arrested.
4: A person who likes standing around when others skate.
John: Aweeeeee
Tim: you're such a domonic Ansley

John: she's 13.

Tim: you're such a domonic ansley
by Randallcatepillarfogracer November 11, 2016
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