Do not disturb

AKA dnd, red circle mode.
Meant to be used for people to not message you, now it just means "I'm too lazy to change it" or "I like the color red". Occasionally people will use it for its actual purpose.
User 1: "Hey man why are you always on do not disturb?"
User 2: "Oh I'm just too lazy to change it"

User 1: "Hey why do you always have do not disturb mode on?"
User 2: "Oh I just like the color red"
by Wammyve June 7, 2021
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Do Not Disturb

A phrasing meaning to leave that person alone cause he or she does not want to be disturbed
person: hey wyd?

by Chickennuggetshoe December 4, 2021
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Do Not Disturb

An advertisement that occupants put on hotel/motel doors that says "We're either about to have, are having or have just had sex."
(Door sign): Do Not Disturb

Housekeeping maid: ...
by Sid Barrett March 8, 2011
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Do Not Disturb

Some people on our server are always on do not disturb. They haven’t changed their status since they were invited here.
by Ceruleanus December 1, 2018
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Do Not Disturb

1) A mode on smartphones and computers that you turn on to block incoming notifications and sounds.

2) A profile status on social platforms like discord which implies that they're busy and won't respond to ur DMs. Don't be fooled though, as ironically most people on discord with a DND status are actually readily available to chat. What's even more ironic is that people with a green circle status are least likely to respond back. You'd think that red means away and green means active, well apparently it's the complete opposite on discord... 🤷 ♀️
1) Emmy turned on do not disturb mode on her Pixel 7 so that she could concreate on studying.

2) Friend 1: Is it only me who notices that discord ppl with do not disturb mode on are more available to chat than those seemingly "online"?

Friend 2: Nah man I notice it too
Friend 3: Same here
Friend 1: Huh. What an interesting phenomenon.
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riginos do not disturb

riginos do not disturb is a wild card you only pull out when sofos and fofos perma ring ur whole npc existance of life so u put that goofy online status do not disturb on so u can lose more rr in valorant and stay hardstuck gold and make a boosted plat boost you to plat. also u only pull that card cus u pull NO BITCHES
i spammed this goofy ahh nigga so much he riginos do not disturbed me
by Xulled April 8, 2022
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Slang. It’s a warning for whenever you see the do not disturb sign on a door if you disturb them you’ll make them more mentally disturbed. Word of advice: leave them alone!
Hey! Why can’t I disturb them? Cuz the sign says do not disturb. What happens if I disturb them? Then they’ll become more mentally disturbed. Can’t you read? There’s another sign that says do not make anymore disturbed. It’s a warning for whenever you see the do not disturb sign on a door if you disturb them you’ll make them more mentally disturbed. Word of advice: leave them alone!
by B-rizzle June 28, 2019
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