
You googled that, didn't you!?
GMM told us to not google Dird, you still did!!
by Linkinpark99 May 11, 2017
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Praise dird, you finally came
by MoonApple July 18, 2018
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Sexy Pink Griffin In Ark God Of Death
by Dirdian July 18, 2018
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Dird-little tiny creatures that live in the holes in ur walls. Background- the computer game, CatDog
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Something disgusting because it is either dirty or stinks or both. This can also apply to a person you have never met and have n idea if they are dirty buy you are just talking badly about them.
What are you wearing man? Those old man shoes are Dird!!!

Did you see that girl on the corner? That bitty was Dird!
by Taraaaaaaaaa September 6, 2008
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A mix between a dog and a bird
It's a dog, it's a bird, it's a...dird?
by d4rkr4in May 3, 2021
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I’m fittin to throw my dirds in the wash.
by Schnappy pappy July 17, 2020
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