A gay person who can be usually found fondling dogs when free, usually Indonesian.
Person 1: Hey bro how many dogs do you have?

Person 2: 12

Person 1: No way, are you a Desam?
by LsdTsu October 29, 2020
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A person who likes performing intercourse with dogs, usually part of the LGBTQ and from Indonesia.
Person 1: Did you know that he is a Desam? I hear dog noises from his house every day..

Person 2: No way bro, thats so twisted..
by MmmYeaah October 29, 2020
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Founded by Legendary SR NTR
Later Chandra Babu who Backstabbed him and Looted Andhra Pradesh and abused him for CM POST.
Now from 2014 also they are looting Andhra only Janasena can stop this. Telugu Desam Party
Telugu Dongala Party Telugu Desam Party
by Vishnu Vardhan Reddy June 18, 2018
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