
The act of getting a cat off your lap. This can be done in any number of ways, but the term usually refers to the use of a hearing aid turned up full volume as seen with Earl Pickles' cat, Muffin.
Muffin: (thinking to herself) Oh, Earl's lap, I'm going to jump up there and try to scratch him!

Earl: Stupid cat! Hey Clyde, get me my hearing aid!!!

Clyde: (yelling) What in the world for? Earl Pickles, are you crazy?

Earl: I'll show you what I mean. (turns up the hearing aid loud so it's squealing. Muffin jumps off his lap scared)

Clyde: (shocked) What on earth did you just do?

Earl: That, my friend, is the art of being Decatted!
by Dusty's Baby Powder January 28, 2011
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similar as Debug used in IT industry word, Decatted as used to remove cats from industry outdoor equipment to prevent any kind of false alarm or equipment damage. Typically under bad weather, some of wild cats can find outdoor equipment as shielding place to stay, therefore, cause some unnecessary damage to the equipment.
Decatted is part of Prevented Maintenance process after storm.
by Qkshar February 8, 2023
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Shme's word for Decaying
50% Decation.... is that even a word
by SFXRobin August 15, 2021
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