An interchangeable meaning of the word “Ballsack”.

In reference to Peter Daszak, the virologist who hid the COVID origins to not make the Wuhan Institute of Virology, to which he has connections, lose their reputation and ended up blaming frozen food for the pandemic
Ryan commenting on somebody skydiving: “that guy has balls of steel. hopefully the weight of those isn’t straining his Daszak”
by everything_adv November 12, 2021
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Person 1: “God, Peter is such a Daszak!
Person 2: “Why?”
Person 1: “Because he helped the CCP cover up for his crimes in Wuhan, and further exacerbated the Coronavirus pandemic.”
by a solid 6/10 trap November 6, 2021
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bro you kicked me in the Daszak
by kamikazekim November 7, 2021
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To cover up for wrongdoings especially those of a political nature.
To obfuscate in promotion of a cover up.
From Peter Daszak, who was president of the New York City-based EcoHealth Alliance and who denounced theories that Covid-19 could have come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Big tobacco tried to daszak that data for years in the end it became clear that smoking leads to lung cancer
by hooowraaa June 22, 2021
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An sophisticated way of referring to balls or ballsacks.
This use of the word started, when a person of the same name spread misinfirmation globally, thus slowing down the response to the covid-19 virus.
"That guy is always trolling, he's such a pain in the daszaks."
"He is a Chinese dissident and artist. That really takes some daszaks!"
by Sockwasher October 30, 2021
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