n. Derived from the sexiest literary man ever--Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, the epitome of brooding manliness and the male protagonist of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice--someone (typically male) who exhibits Mr. Darcy-like qualities (i.e. hotness, taciturnity, excellent penmanship, etc.).

adj. Displaying such Mr. Darcy-like characteristics.
n. What a dreamboat! That guy is SUCH a darcy!

adj. That man is so darcy. Just look at him, standing there, brooding and looking generally displeased with everything. I'd tap that.
by thefancyapple August 30, 2009
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The sexiest, coolest, funniest, most awesome kid alive.

Martial arts master.
I love Darcy!

Darcy took on the entire bar last night and was the only one left alive at the end.
by talkhard818 November 5, 2008
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tends to speak without thinking..but above all we couldnt live without her. not a man but a woman with an identity crisis
" beth, do you know wut a cherry is?"
by alix-her keeper- October 16, 2004
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Darcy is a cool lad. He loves having a laugh, and hanging with his friends. He is very intelligent and is a sweet heart when it comes to family and his other loved ones. Darcy is also a very attractive man ;) He's a sporty kind of dude and always cheers for his team. He seems very confident and passionate, but to his one and only, he can become shy and blush every now and then c; Such a sweet guy!
"Look, it's the handsome fella, Darcy!"
"Oh yeah, I've seem him around, he's a very good friend of mine!"
by Sophie.R <3 November 20, 2017
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a term, usually shortened to darc (pronouced dar_ss) used in reference to people with great skill or an adjective for an astonishing feat
that chick is so darcy!

that guy is so darc at football

that trick was darc
by jimmmmmmbob May 4, 2006
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to get your eye cumed on so fiercly that it becomes lazy.
1:wtf is up with her eye
2: she got a darcy last night
3: ohh i gave a darcy to my ex
by gibblesandbits March 3, 2010
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spectactiwonderful (spectacular+wonderful)
thats a really darcy tie you're wearing.


you're a darcy person.
by wordtoyourllama June 24, 2009
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